TTRO Consultation - 11th - 17th October 2023

Published: 13 October 2023

1.    The Order shall come into operation on the 11th October 2023 and will continue to be in force for a period not exceeding 18 months. 

2.    The order is necessary to implement a physical barrier to traffic, allowing for a pedestrian/cycle walkway to be installed across Silurian Road. In accordance with Section 278, associated with the nearby Housing Development. 

3.    The effect of the order will be to temporarily introduce a Prohibition of Driving on a section of Silurian Road, Undy, Monmouthshire, from its junction with Rockfield Grove for ~45m.

Please refer to attachments for further details. 

/_UserFiles/Files/Silurian Road/Silurian Road Undy Prohibition of driving.pdf 

/_UserFiles/Files/Silurian Road/Silurian Road Undy TM Plan.pdf 


How to comment on a proposed TRO - Monmouthshire The response form can be accessed here.