Magor with Undy Town Council


"To conserve and improve Magor with Undy
as an attractive and sustainable place in which to live, visit and do business"

Code of Conduct

The Council has adopted the Model Code of Conduct (Wales) Order 2008 (as amended). All Councillors are bound by this Code of Conduct.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 

The Council in order to conduct its own business, services and duties processes a wide range of data relating to its own operations and some which it handles on behalf of partners, and has an Information & Data Protection Policy and a General Privacy Policy to regulate such activities.


Council Accounts 2018/2019

By law any interested person has the right to inspect a Council's accounts.  If you are entitle and registered to vote in the Council elections then you (or your representative) also have the right to ask the appointed auditor questions about the council's accounts or challenge an item of account contained within them.

Check out the Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector's Rights, which shows when and where you can inspect the accounts and see a summary of your rights.

As at the 30th September 2019, the External Auditors, on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales had issued no opinion in relation to the Accounting Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019

About Us

The Community Council is made up of members of the community of Magor with Undy.  It is elected by the public to serve a term of four years. Councillors give their  time on a voluntary basis and are not paid for the work they do. The Council does have the following paid employees: Clerk to the Community Council, and three part time village wardens.

Full Council meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (except August) at Undy Church and Community Hall or the Magor Baptist Church Schoolroom. At these meetings, we go through the agenda (which is displayed on the Community Council notice board outside the Police Station as well as on this site). There is also time set aside during which residents in the community may address the Community Council and/or ask it to discuss specific issues or concerns at a future meeting.

The Community Council also hold various 'committee' meetings on an ad hoc basis at alternative venues in the community.

Agendas and minutes of all Magor with Undy Community Council meetings can be found on the web site Meetings page

Details of any Community Council vacancies can be found on the Councillors page.

What We Do 

Employs three village wardens who keep the village tidy and free from litter.
Provides all the bedding plants for the village.
Provides the majority of seats in the village.
Provides and maintains three play areas, one by Sycamore Playing Field, one by Millfield Park and one at Undy Playing Fields.
Provided and maintains the half pipe skate ramp at Undy Playing Fields.
Provides and manages three allotment sites in the village.
Provides and maintains the multi-surface /tennis courts at Sycamore sports Field, 
Owns and maintains The Procurators House.
Owns and maintains woodland at Common y coed
Provides the Christmas lights and Christmas trees in Magor Square and on Undy Pound.
Sponsors the Open Air Carol Service in Magor Square  
Maintains some of the public footpaths in the villages in annual partnership with Monmouthshire County Council. 
Actively seek grants for any projects.
Provided the ‘dog signs’ in the village.


Maintains and is responsible for five bus shelters. 
Works in partnership with Monmouthshire County Council and has provided a village footpath, with benches and notice board at Mill Common.
Additional solar streetlighting at Whitewall, additional lights on footpath Franklin Open Space
Gives annual grants to maintain the two Churchyards in the villages
Give grants to local groups and organisations
Monthly meetings with Neighbourhood Police officers to discuss any problems in the village.
Funds one qualified Play leader to assist with Magor Baptist Church Youth Club
Consulted by Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and Monmouthshire County Council on various issues including planning applications.
The M48 link – lobbying Welsh Assembly Govt and MCC re the need for this road to reduce traffic on the B4245. 
Support a railway station at Magor/Undy - in contact with SEWTA South East Wales Transport
Alliance and the newly formed Magor Action Group On Rail
Provides newsletters to residents to inform them of projects and local news.
Provides the Magor and Undy Community Council web site.


Provides and maintains 30 dog waste bins
Supplies dog waste bags free of charge to members of the public 
Community Council is also represented on Monmouthshire Citizens Advice Bureau, School Governors, Police Liaison, Undy Athletic Club.

Support the Magor and Undy Community Hall group re Provision of Community Centre for the village.

Support Undy Athletic Club re additional facilities.

In partnership with Forestry Commission providing tress on land in Common-y-coed as an amenity project and installed benches so residents can see the wonderful views over the Severn.
Residents often contact Councillors or the clerk as their first port of call.
The minutes are posted on the website and are also available from the Community Council Office
Liaised with MCC regarding resurfacing in front of St Mary's Church Magor. 
Campaigned for additional car parking spaces at the Square Car Park
Worked in partnership with Monmouthshire County Council by providing topsoil for their 'Pollinator' policy in Magor and Undy.