Gypsy& Traveller Site Report
Published: 20 July 2023
On Monday evening 17th July 2023 a meeting was held by Magor with Undy Town Council at Undy Church Hall in response to news that areas of land at Langley Close and Dancing Hill had been identified for the potential of suitability for Gypsy & Traveller sites.
More that 60 residents of our communities attended in person and via zoom video link. Councillor Taylor informed the attendees of a Peoples Scrutiny Meeting to be held at 1000 on Wednesday 19th July 2023 at County Hall, Monmouthshire. Its purpose was to receive presentation from Officers of Mon CC and receive representation from stakeholders.
At the meeting at Undy Church Hall valuable comment and concerns was received from the members of our communities. This information together with a detailed examination of the process implemented by Monmouthshire CC in finalising the sites for consideration in Magor and other areas of the County was invaluable in preparing response to be presented to the Peoples Scrutiny Meeting.
Please find the attached report of Town Cllr Penny Kirkham and a Summary of the decision of the Peoples Scrutiny Meeting prepared by Ward Councillor Taylor. (Please note the link within Cllr Taylors report where a recording the the People Scrutiny Meeting may be viewed).
/_UserFiles/Files/MUTC People Scrutiny doc 190723v3 Cllr PK.pdf
/_UserFiles/Files/Information for residents about the People Scruity Committee_Cllr Taylor.pdf