Published: 11 May 2023
Please be advised that the road closure relating to the works on Vinegar Hill, Undy will need to be further extended due to unexpected delays with the works on site.
Arrangements have been made for Galtec/Vistry to remove the road closure by the 12/05/2023 to allow for other essential planned works to take place on Vinegar Hill. The Road Closure will be reintroduced following the completion of these works, it is anticipated that the closure will be in place between 01/06/2023 – 11/08/2023 in place 24hrs.
When the road closure is reintroduced it will take place under the same TTRO, I have attached the Notice of Making and corresponding traffic management plan.
All other information about the closure remains the same.
/_UserFiles/Files/Vinegar Hill TM Plan.pdf