Traffic Regulation Order

Published: 28 October 2022

Footpath 16 in the community of Magor with Undy is presently closed by temporary Traffic Regulation Order. The order was requested by Vistry Homes to allow archaeological works  associated with approved housing development to be carried out on and near the path.  

The order is currently due to expire 19th November.


Vistry Homes would now  like to extend the order by 6 months and increase its scope to allow construction works to take place on and near the path.


Monmouthshire County Council can however only extend the closure with authorisation from Welsh Government.


One of the stipulations of the process is that the Highways Authority requesting the extension must have taken into account the views of local users.


For this purpose I would like to ask Magor with Undy  for its view on the proposed extension and any comments it might have about its impact on the economy?


Please be advised that Monmouthshire County Council is also in receipt of a Town & Country Planning Act (TCPA) order application to permanently divert path 16 to accommodate the proposed development. M&UTC should already be aware of the details of this proposal but If not please let me know. The TCPA order is required as the approved scheme would obstruct the path on its present alignment.


Vistry Homes has stated that until this TCPA order is confirmed it would not carryout any permanent works on the alignment of the path. It has also stated that an alternative permissive alignment will be provided during the temporary closure.


Please also note that a six month closure has been requested as this is the longest period a path can be closed under the legislation. It is however likely that applicant will want to further extend the closure as the works are not likely be complete within this timeframe.